CMSC724: Database Management Systems | |||||
Prof. Amol Deshpande;
CSI 1122; Tue-Thu 11:00am-12:15pm | |||||
[Home] | [Schedule] | [Assignments] | [Resources] | ||
Written Assignments + Reviews of Recent Research Papers (30%)This is a research-oriented class and hence the main work in this class is independently reading and evaluating research papers in the field of databases. For each class, there will be one or two assigned papers. Although you are expected to skim through the papers before the class, the main work will be after the class. On roughly a biweekly basis, there will be a written assignment on the assigned papers for the previous two weeks. These assignments will ask specific questions about the topics covered in the paper, and will require you to read and understand the papers, and critically think about the topics, in depth. The actual grading of these will be fairly liberal.In addition, every few weeks, we will review 2-3 papers from recent database conferences. We will devote 1 class every few weeks to student presentations and discussion on those papers, and the critiques of those papers will be due as part of the written assignment. All submissions will be through Gradescope. Schedule:
Final Exam (20%)Class Presentations and Participation (30%)For the recent resesarch papers mentioned above, we will have student-led presentations and discussions.Schedule:
Programming Assignments (20%)There will be several programming assignments, primarily focused on using several different data management systems.